Category: Hard to fit contact lenses

  • New Dry Eye Treatments

    Dry Eye Syndrome Dry Eye Syndrome is an eye disease that  unfortunately affects an estimated 20 million people in America. Dry eye symptoms such as light sensitivity, blurred vision, red eyes, itchy eyes, and dryness can affect a person’s quality of life and their vision. There are many causes of dry eye and the they…

  • Can’t wear contacts any longer?

    If you are experiencing trouble with you’re lenses and can’t wear contacts any longer; don’t give up and learn the truth about LASIK. Azman Eye Care has been providing superior eye care since 1975 and has specialized in contact lenses from the start. As contact lens specialists, we have successfully treated thousands of contact lens…

  • The Dr. Oz Show: Undercover LASIK Surgery Investigation

    As reported on the Dr. Oz Show, “LASIK surgery promises to fix imperfect eyesight, but is it safe? Investigative reporter and consumer expert Elisabeth Leamy goes undercover to find out more about the potential life-changing side effects of this popular surgery.” The Dr. Oz Undercover LASIK Surgery Investigation:  Click her for full video segment:  “LASIK surgery…

  • The Hard to Fit Contact Lens Patient

    Are your contact lenses more comfortable when they’re in here? Do you have trouble wearing contacts or have been told you’re not a good candidate for  lenses? Have you been told you have eyes that are “hard to fit” or have been labeled as a “difficult contact lens fitting” ? Not to worry — Dr.…

  • Contact Lens Intolerance and Thinking About LASIK?

    If you are experiencing contact lens intolerance and are thinking about LASIK, STOP!   Before making this decision you need to know the truth:  LASIK surgery has side effects and can lead to permanent disabling complications affecting your lifestyle permanently. Proceed with caution. According to recent studies between 10-40% of LASIK patients experience symptoms of complications.…

  • Difficult contact lens fitting

    Are your contact lenses more comfortable when they’re in here? Contact Lenses for Hard to Fit Eyes If you have trouble wearing contact lenses or have been told you’re not a good candidate for contact lenses, you may have eyes that are “hard to fit” or may have been labeled as a “difficult contact lens…

  • I was not able to wear contact lenses any longer

    Not able to wear contact lenses When I came to Azman Eye Care Specialists, I was unable to wear my contact lenses any  longer. My vision was poor, and the contacts were constantly becoming either clouded or dirty. Due to Dr. Irwin Azman’s expert care and attention, my problems were diagnosed. After completing several different types of…

  • Dr. Azman did what three other doctors could not…

    I’m writing to thank Dr Irwin Azman for doing what three other doctors couldn’t—make it possible for me to wear my lenses again. My eyes have always been sensitive, but with the help of a sympathetic optometrist, I had managed to wear lenses until I turned 43, when my contacts became increasingly uncomfortable. My ophthalmologist told me my eyes’ tear quality had deteriorated with the…

  • Contact Lens Eye Care: The way it should be

    When it comes to contact lens eye care, there are a lot of different options out there. But when you want the highest quality, most meticulous contact lens eye care in Maryland, you have to see Drs. Thomas and Irwin Azman at Azman Eye Care Specialists.  Founded in 1975 by the two brothers as a…

  • Not a candidate for contact lenses…

    “Not a candidate for contact lenses…” I am currently a patient of Dr. Irwin Azman. I underwent cataract surgery of my right eve in January and now have an astigmatism problem in that eye. In addition. I have a cataract in my left eye and also have the normal reading vision problems that comes with…